Rea u amohela liwebsaeteng tsa rona!

347 tšepe e sa hloekang 4 * 1 limilimithara coiled / capillary tubing

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Sebopeho sa Lik'hemik'hale
Meeli ea sebopeho sa lik'hemik'hale (wt%) joalo ka ha ho boletsoe ho ASTM A240 le ASME SA240*.

347 tšepe e sa hloekang 4 * 1 limilimithara coiled / capillary tubing

Element 347
Khabone 0.08
Chromium 17.0-19.0
Nickel 9.0-13.0
Manganese 2.00
Silicone 0.75
Phosphorus 0.045
Sebabole 0.030
Niobium 10 x C mets / 1.00 max
* Bolelele, ntle le haeba ho bonts'itsoe marang-rang
347 tšepe e sa hloekang 4 * 1 limilimithara coiled / capillary tubing

Thepa ea Mechini
Litlhoko tsa thepa ea mochini bakeng sa sehlahisoa se kentsoeng joalo ka ha ho boletsoe ho ASTM A240 le ASME SA240.

Thepa 347
Kotulo Matla, min.(ksi) 30
Matla a Tensile, min.(ksi) 75
Elongation, min.(%) 40
Ho thatafala, max.(Rb) 92

Lintho Tsa 'Mele
Thepa ea 'mele bakeng sa tšepe ea mofuta oa 347

347 tšepe e sa hloekang 4 * 1 limilimithara coiled / capillary tubing

Thepa 347 Lintlha
Density, lb/in3 0.288
Modulus ea Elasticity, psi 28.0 x 106
Coefficient of Thermal Katoloso, 68-212˚F, /˚F 9.3 x 10-6
Thermal Conductivity, Btu/ft hr ˚F 9.2
Mocheso o khethehileng, Btu/lb ˚F 0.12
Motlakase Resistivity, Microohm-in 28.4

Litekanyetso tse tloaelehileng tsa tšepe ea mofuta oa 347

347 tšepe e sa hloekang 4 * 1 limilimithara coiled / capillary tubing

AMS 5512

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Sebopeho sa Lik'hemik'hale
Meeli ea sebopeho sa lik'hemik'hale (wt%) joalo ka ha ho boletsoe ho ASTM A240 le ASME SA240*.

347 tšepe e sa hloekang 4 * 1 limilimithara coiled / capillary tubing

Element 347
Khabone 0.08
Chromium 17.0-19.0
Nickel 9.0-13.0
Manganese 2.00
Silicone 0.75
Phosphorus 0.045
Sebabole 0.030
Niobium 10 x C mets / 1.00 max
* Bolelele, ntle le haeba ho bonts'itsoe marang-rang
347 tšepe e sa hloekang 4 * 1 limilimithara coiled / capillary tubing

Thepa ea Mechini
Litlhoko tsa thepa ea mochini bakeng sa sehlahisoa se kentsoeng joalo ka ha ho boletsoe ho ASTM A240 le ASME SA240.

Thepa 347
Kotulo Matla, min.(ksi) 30
Matla a Tensile, min.(ksi) 75
Elongation, min.(%) 40
Ho thatafala, max.(Rb) 92

Lintho Tsa 'Mele
Thepa ea 'mele bakeng sa tšepe ea mofuta oa 347

347 tšepe e sa hloekang 4 * 1 limilimithara coiled / capillary tubing

Thepa 347 Lintlha
Density, lb/in3 0.288
Modulus ea Elasticity, psi 28.0 x 106
Coefficient of Thermal Katoloso, 68-212˚F, /˚F 9.3 x 10-6
Thermal Conductivity, Btu/ft hr ˚F 9.2
Mocheso o khethehileng, Btu/lb ˚F 0.12
Motlakase Resistivity, Microohm-in 28.4

Litekanyetso tse tloaelehileng tsa tšepe ea mofuta oa 347

347 tšepe e sa hloekang 4 * 1 limilimithara coiled / capillary tubing

AMS 5512

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona